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发表于 2007-6-21 17:28:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
老刘生日,一帮胡朋狗友又凑在了一起,借着高兴的饮子,大家都使劲的给自己惯酒。我喝不了太多酒,但高兴,还是比平时多喝了几杯。饭局散了,一个个都是东倒西歪的, 满嘴胡言乱语,钻到车里扬长而去。饭馆离我住的地方不远,我一个人遥遥晃晃的往家走。酒精很快发挥了作用。走到自家楼下的时候我已经人困马乏,看看表已经是半夜1点多了。我坐在楼门口的台阶上打算醒醒酒在爬楼,我住在7楼,平时几步就窜上楼,现在每走一步就像个风烛残年的老太太。     我用手勉强的撑着身体仰望着天空,这是个月朗星稀的夜晚,周围的一切都在月光的普照下泛着白光。树叶被微风吹的发出一阵阵哗啦哗啦响声……这时银色的月空上不知道从哪飘来了一片黑云,很快把月亮藏在了身后,风停了,树叶安静了,所有的东西都失去了开始的光泽,一股寒气渗透了我的衣服,我打了个哆嗦。周围静的出奇,黑暗中我只能听见自己粗粗的喘气声。这样的环境下,让我想起了前几天看过的一个日本鬼片《咒怨》,枷椰子总是在这样的情况里出现。想到这里我有点害怕,打算赶紧上楼。正当我站起来的时候,楼道里传出来一中怪响。我被吓的退后几步,怪声好象从楼上传出来的,透过楼道的玻璃,我发现7楼楼道的声控灯亮了,听上去好想是有东西下来,很笨重,很慢,还有铁器撞击的声音,随着怪声的越来越近,6楼的灯也亮了,接着是5楼的,4楼的,3楼的,2楼的。声音越来越大,越来越近。我呆呆的望着一盏盏亮开的灯,这个时候我突然想起三楼的灯一直是坏的,没人修今天怎么也亮了?鼻子上渗出了一层细细的汗珠。     最后,一楼的灯也亮了,我站在原地一动不动,死死的盯着楼道的大门。咔,门开了,一个自行车的前车轱辘了从门缝里挤了出来,我退了一下身,门慢慢全开了,我借着一楼走廊的灯光仔细一看,原来是个人抬自行车下来。抬车的人主动跟我打了个招呼,我一听声音原来是我家对门住的李老师。我松了一口气。     李老师说:“小伙子,又喝酒多了吧?”     我说:“哦,呵呵,朋友过生日,多喝了点。”     李老师说:“唉,你们年青人平时少喝点酒,对身体不好,给,我这有瓶矿泉水,你拿去喝了醒醒酒赶紧回家吧。”     说着递到我面前一瓶矿泉水,我本不好意思要,却发现自己的确很渴。遍接了过来。打开盖子,咕咚咕咚的干喝几口,矿泉水冰凉冰凉的。     我说:“李老师天这么晚了,您这是要去哪啊?有什么急事吗?”     李老师说:“哦,你不说我到忘了,我是有急事,我先走了。”     说着登上自行车就走了,我还想说些什么,已经来不及了,他很快消失在夜色里。不知道什么时候又刮起了一阵微风,吹跑了黑云,月亮又像刚才一样普照着宁静的大地。看着手中的矿泉水,想想刚才自己被吓到的样子,很是可笑,摇了摇头,晃晃悠悠的上了楼。我上到三楼,灯却不亮,头还是很疼,我没太在意这些。好不容易到了家,我衣服也没脱躺床上就睡了。     第二天一大早,我被楼道里一阵哭叫声给吵醒,本想破口大骂几句,仔细听听好象是谁家出事了,门口好象还有很多人。我迷迷糊糊的打开门看个究竟,的确很多人站在我家门口,一个人拉住了我,我一看是我家楼下的王大妈。     没等我问是怎么回事呢,王大妈神秘兮兮的对着我耳朵小声说:“小张啊,这回你可倒霉了,你家对门的李老师死了,以后啊,晚上这楼道里可消停不了了。”     “大妈,你说谁?”我惊讶道。     “哎呀,这情景你还看不出来吗?就是你家对门,平时跟楼上楼下都不说话那个怪人,李老师。听说他是前几天出差去外地,一个人晚上去人家湖边溜达,不小心掉进了湖里,当时是深夜,周围没人,结果给淹死了。这不,今天才把尸体运回来,她老伴刚知道这事,哭的死去活来的……”     我楞在了那里,突然想起了昨天晚上的事,我喝了很多酒,后来碰到的不就是——李老师吗,这怎么可能!我一定是喝多了,自己在做梦,都是幻觉。我安慰着自己,赶紧回屋把门锁好。躺到了床上,一个东西被我压在了身下,我伸手去抓。     是那个剩了半瓶的矿泉水。
莣芣鋽沵嘚--袏眼渘掅.鉲 ℡ァ不要輕易說愛οo許下的承諾欠下的債メ

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发表于 2007-6-26 07:57:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-9-11 17:45:55 | 显示全部楼层

什么是我想要的 我想我现在懂了[/glow]


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发表于 2011-6-27 08:50:22 | 显示全部楼层

Naughty but nice

Naughty but nice
The women fact your activity do so much for you throughout the year. They boost your ego and pick you up if you are activity down. They accept banquet all cooked and ready to eat when you cannot be bothered to accomplish added than a slice of toast. They mop your fevered countenance if you are beneath the acclimate. They accord with the practicalities of life, multitasking for ability as they go. So, don't you anticipate when it comes to choosing gifts for her that you should treat her to something naughty but nice? Surely, after all she does for you; the atomic you can do for her is to accomplish her feel acceptable and happy knowing that you have taken ample affliction fact your selection.
Some of the most agitative gifts for her that are naughty but nice involve aliment of some sort usually food that the girls apperceive they should not even be searching at let abandoned because arresting. With this in mind,Patriots Jerseys, the ideal gift for her is the bold little Naughty but Nice Lip Gloss set, with 6 mini cake lip glosses to keep her appealing aperture bendable. These dinky pots look and that like the real affair. The only difference is she can't eat these appetizing treats. They include delicious raspberry cream, awe-inspiring birthmark cream, lip smacking amber cream, mouth watering chocolate sprinkle, rich cream tart and ambrosial agrarian berry tart. They come in a gorgeous block box affectation and anniversary lip appearance comes in a handy admeasurement which fits accurately into a handbag or pocket.
Christmas would not be Christmas after all the blithe food the rich fruity Christmas cake, the Christmas pudding brought ablaze to the table, the brandy adulate and of course the chocolate log. A personalised Christmas Yule log will make a fabulous gift for her. Imagine how surprised she will be as she allotment to the family dining allowance with dessert to find a chocolate log with her own name on it waiting to be broadcast about the table. What a abashment it will not last continued either. There's one way to get about that problem though, and that's to adjustment 2 Christmas yule logs. It will not be difficult award a good home for them both.
If she absolutely is austere about avoiding those extra calories, you cannot go wrong with a admirable Personalised Chocolate Sauce Print. It features a slice of divine chocolate cake with her name written next to it in chocolate booze. Try as she ability,cheap diamonds, she will not be able to eat this slice and it will last a accomplished lot best than the real thing. It comes in 2 sizes, which means that even the bigger version with a beyond slice of cake can do her no harm.
We all bethink the fabulous ball routines from Dirty Dancing. Some of us assert on in aggravating to archetype them. Some of us yield it a tad too far and do this in public. But there are some memorably classic quotes from the cine too. If she loves this blur still she will love the perfect gift for her a Dirty Dancing in Your Pocket Keychain. This lovely vivid blush gadget plays some famous lines at the press of a button to brighten up the dullest of canicule and get her animated again.
For those girls who are secret cookie monsters on the sly, the best Gift for her could be Mrs Manley's Best Biscuits Little Cookbook. This decorative and commonly presented gift includes 7 of the most delicious biscuit recipes, all of which are easy to chase. So though if she has never baked so much as a crumb afore, she will be able to whip up and devour these aperture watering biccies in a beam. In fact, these recipes are so simple that this would also make a fab allowance for little girls (and boys for that amount). She will never have to buy cookies again.
If you are affairs for a female acquaintance, I'm sure she will not be angered by the Instant Adoring Boyfriend DVD. In fact, her coursing for the perfect man may al screech to a halt when she watches this hug ely satisfying DVD. Ladies, this guy is handsome, affectionate,Cleveland Browns Jersey, considerate, sweet smelling, generous and would never generate an abhorrent odour in his wildest dreams. Let's face it girls,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, he exists only in our wildest dreams he is seriously too good to be true. And if he does exist he is apprenticed to have been affective by now. So let's dream on and absorb some quality time with this fabulous hunk of a man. The perfect accompaniment to this lovely gift for her has to be an Emergency Chocolate Bar, fabricated of delicious Belgian Chocolate. And the great thing is that she won't have to share this bar with him, because he's just too affable to ask. All girls deserve a naughty but nice present. Just don't expect them to share it.
To explore our range of Birthday Gifts for Her added, please visit our website at http://www.gettingpersonal.co.uk.
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