发表于 2011-4-29 18:08:10
Popular downtown network released 2010 sets to force the list too
have not reached the end of the year, users have begun to inventory the network buzzwords of the year. Mop friends Some netizens said:
to force pronounced, gěi lì, dialect of northern China, said that a strong, energetic meaning.
Shenma are clouds
Netizens Sogou input method used to play the in the network's smash hit And quickly replaced the word Clouds the meaning of that vague, fleeting, meaning
It was popularized by the popular network of very, Shenma network uninhibited women, a cloud! is a cloud! The
I went to Le a
Is a form of ridicule type of praise or criticize. Means a kind of helpless. Is an interjection, no practical significance, the ancient equivalent of
Although foreigners can not read, but ungelivable users in China has become very popular.
friends joked, ungelivable may spread fastest in history,
envy jealousy hate
a people, was received by envy, jealousy or equal to the most sincere form of flattery, is a spiritual superiority and pleasure; and jealous of others, will be more or less revealing their self-esteem, chagrin, shame, and unwilling, to self-confidence is undoubtedly a blow. Shame at the knowledge learned, I discovered that not fine arts, a person is through this awkward feeling jealous, it truly aware of their inferior place, the Provisional Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs.
very difficult decision
Continued November 3, 2010 Tencent night issued a body
tough decisions Original: When you see this letter, we have just made a very difficult decision. QQ in the 360 to plug the company to stop violations and malicious slander, we decided with 360 in the computer software to stop running QQ software. We know this will cause you some inconvenience, we sincerely apologize. But also the reasons for this decision to write in the following, hope get your understanding and support.
2010 年 11 on 2, National Development and Reform Commission announced in October monitoring of urban food retail prices. In the monitoring of the 31 kinds of products, nearly 80% of product prices. Series of prices of food, from the Rising prices have spawned a Like a domino down, in addition to the collective farm prices rose, the clothing, housing prices are gradually rising, price factors are affecting everyone's life.
trouble too set
English Singer Huang Xiaoming in a evening to sing a song with English lyrics, not at all because of the pronunciation is exactly like
feeling apart from friends also believe that the network in 2010 is far more than the buzzwords - |